Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Husband's Day

   We recently just celebrated, "Happy Husband's Day!"  No, you didn't miss seeing it on your calender.  But I hope one day you will see it there or hear about it in the news.  Hey, if "Talk Like a Pirate Day" can make it on the list then certainly "Happy Husbands Day" is worth considering too.  Especially since participating in this special occasion can bring you and your mate more joy and connection.  And what woman doesn't want a happier home and more fulfilling relationship?! 

  What exactly is "Happy Husband's Day" and how did it come about?   The idea burst into blossom a couple of years ago after hearing my husband chuckle about a radio talk show he happened to be listening to on Valentine's Day.  The host mentioned that Valentine's day seemed more for women then men.  He went on to say, "Why can't there be a holiday for the guys called, 'Steak and  ... day.' "  You get the idea.  I wholeheartedly agreed.   

  I got a pen and paper and made a list of all the things that would make my honey happy.  I selected something from each of these categories; food, love & romance, and pampering.  I picked a day a month away and began to plan something that would knock his socks off.  Actually, I spread it into a couple of days because my life was busy and it made things easier.  My husband was ever grateful for the continual fun.

  My man loves a great steak.  So I prepared a steak dinner and all his favorite fixings and set a beautiful table making every detail extra special.  He also lives for fresh baked cookies.  I baked a batch of chewy chocolate chip cookies the next night.  He was in high heaven the moment he opened the door. 

A few days later I soaked his feet in a tub of hot water and gave him a 20 minute foot rub.  He loves this kind of pampering and turns into a teddy bear.

  Then I did a little something sexy.  He loves lingerie.  I put on my prettiest, sexiest things and took charge of seducing him for a change.  Men love this!  If you want some great ideas read How to Make Love to a Man and The Sensuous Woman

 Celebrating Happy Husband's Day every year has become a special tradition in our home.  It does something deep down on the inside.  Aaron feels happy, respected, and deeply appreciated. "For you to plan something special like this just for me feels amazing," my happy hubby said.  As a beautiful bonus,  he responds in kind, and oh how it gets even better and better every year.  My lover makes sure I feel extraordinary too.

  If you have never done anything like this or if it's been awhile, get your calendar and go for it!  Make your man feel like king for the day.  He will love it!  Your marriage will benefit.  And you will nurture a beautiful bond between you.  Plus, planning this event is fun and exciting!   Use your imagination.  Thrill and delight him!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Complaint Free World

Maya Angelou once said, "If you don't like something, change it.  
If you can't change it, change your attitude.  Don't complain."

One way to spread love is with our words.  When we replace criticism and complaints with deep appreciation and thanks we can heal hearts and enrich our relationships. Our words have the power to tear down or build up.  We can make our homes a hostile environment or we can create a place of peace, love & goodwill with our words. 

There's a marvelous movement making it's way around the globe.  It's mission: to create a Complaint Free World.  It all began in 2006 in Kansas City, Missouri when minister, Will Bowen encouraged his congregation to go 21 days without complaining (experts say it's takes 21 days to develop a new habit.)  

Bowen's life changing plan was based on the simple idea that good things will happen for us in abundance when we give up grumbling.  He said, "Our words are powerful indicators of our thoughts, and our thoughts create our lives.  When we complain, we put out negative energy and as a result we draw to us negative experiences."  
In an effort to help his congregation have richer more rewarding lives and relationships, Bowen handed everyone a purple bracelet.  Here's what he suggested:  Wear the bracelet on either wrist.  When you catch yourself complaining, blaming, finding fault, or gossiping [i.e.saying anything unkind or uncomplimentary about someone else] move the bracelet to the other wrist.  The goal is to go 21 days without moving the bracelet; 21 days without complaining.  The ultimate goal is to be a more gracious, positive person.  And as a result live a healthier, happier, more abundant life.

People have shared countless life changing stories as a result of this practice.  Everything from miraculous healings to financial blessings and restoration in relationships.  People are living more serene and happy lives from participating.  

Try it!  Take the 21 day challenge.  It is definitely an eye opener.  I thought I was a pretty positive person.  And, most of the time I am.  But boy has this new practice increased my awareness and challenged me to come up higher.  It feels good.  And I love sharing this movement with others.

You can get a bracelet at or simply create one (use a pony tail holder or rubber band.)  The Complaint Free World Organization is a nonprofit, nonreligious organization.  Check out Bowen's books;  A Complaint Free World and his latest Complaint Free Relationships.  They are wonderful!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spread Love Everywhere You Go

I love to write long hand in my journal and I adore giving and getting a hand written letter.  Still my friends assure me that blogging can be an equally rich experience.  Since I love to write I'm going to give it a try. 

Let me first say, "Thank you!" to Maryann Swartz who loves to blog.  Without her enthusiasm for blogging and her help getting me set-up, I might not have started.  Thank you Maryann!! 

It's the 1st day of February and I love this month.  While I admit I'm a bona fide "romantic" I'm also a true believer in the power of love to help and heal on many levels.  The deepest need of every human being is to feel like we matter, to feel we are loved and accepted just as we are. 

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were more inclined to be curious rather than critical of ourselves and each other?  Wouldn't it be lovely if we responded with more compassion and kindness instead of quick judgments and harshness?

"Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own home ... 
let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier ... "  Mother Teresa